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11 Job Interview Strategies to Ensure Success


Entering the job interview room can be daunting, but it’s often the pivotal moment in the job search process. Both the company and you evaluate mutual compatibility. For that very reason, being well-prepared is not just recommended, it’s essential. Here, we present 11 job interview strategies to ensure you walk out with a higher chance of success.

1. Research the Company Deeply

Dive deep into the company’s profile. Beyond the official website, explore their online presence, recent press releases, and relevant industry updates. Aligning your responses to the company’s values and goals is paramount.

Use tools like Glassdoor or Indeed to read employee reviews. It offers an unfiltered view of the company’s culture and potential challenges, enabling you to tailor your approach and ask informed questions during the interview.

2. Engage Your Network

Your professional contacts may have insights or even direct connections to the company. Prior recommendations or referrals can make your application stand out. 

Use LinkedIn’s “Alumni” feature to find past university/college peers currently at the company. Connecting with alumni can foster a deeper sense of trust and familiarity, making a referral or introduction more effective.

3. Stay Abreast with Industry Updates

Demonstrate your commitment to the profession by discussing current trends and innovations. Such insights indicate your proactive nature. This ensures you’re always informed about the latest news and trends without having to search manually.  Set up Google Alerts for industry-specific keywords.

This ensures you’re always informed about the latest news and trends without having to search manually. It also allows you to monitor the web for new content about specific topics of interest. By entering industry-specific keywords or phrases, you can receive email notifications whenever they appear in new articles, blogs, or discussions online.

There’s also a growing number of industry-specific podcasts and webinars available online. Platforms like Spotify or industry websites often host these. Beyond its role as a networking platform, LinkedIn is also a source for industry news. Following industry leaders, joining relevant groups, and monitoring company pages can keep you informed.

4. Decipher the Job Description

Understand the role you’re applying for inside-out. Categorize your own experiences to mirror their needs, offering tangible evidence of your qualifications. Compare the job description with similar roles in different companies. This provides a broader understanding of industry standards and expectations, enabling you to address unstated needs.

Beyond its role as a networking platform, LinkedIn is also a source of industry news. Following industry leaders, joining relevant groups, and monitoring company pages can keep you informed. Offers insights into industry shifts, professional opinions, and emerging opportunities. Regular updates from industry influencers and peers can provide a deeper understanding of the landscape.

5. Master Common Interview Queries

Anticipate and rehearse answers for commonly posed questions. This not only displays preparation but also confidence. Use platforms like Pramp or LeetCode for mock interviews if you’re in the tech industry. These platforms simulate real interview scenarios, ensuring you’re well-practiced in answering typical questions under pressure.

6. Highlight Your Success Stories

Detail your past achievements. Utilize the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure impactful narratives. Maintain an ongoing ‘Achievement Journal’ throughout your career. Documenting your successes in real-time ensures you always have detailed and quantifiable accomplishments at your fingertips.

7. Maintain a Positive Outlook

Your demeanor is just as essential as your credentials. Radiate positivity, openness, and genuine interest in the role. Practice mindfulness or meditation before your interview.

It helps calm nerves, improves focus, and ensures you remain present during the conversation.

8. Prioritize Punctuality

Reach the venue well ahead of time. This conveys dedication and respect for the interviewer’s time. Conduct a test journey to the interview location a day prior if it’s a physical meeting. Familiarizing yourself with the route reduces the risk of unforeseen delays and ensures punctuality.

9. Inquire Insightfully

At the interview’s conclusion, asking deep, thoughtful questions signifies your commitment and deep interest. Frame at least one question based on the company’s recent news or achievements. Demonstrates a deeper level of interest and engagement beyond just the role you’re applying for.

10. Clothe Yourself with Confidence

Dress in a manner that bolsters your self-assurance. Wear an accessory or clothing item that’s a conversation starter, but remains professional. It can break the ice at the beginning of the interview, making the atmosphere less formal and more comfortable.

11. Conclude with Courtesy

A post-interview thank-you note can seal your impression. Make it personal, brief, and professional. Add a specific detail from your interview conversation in your thank-you note.

Personalizing your thank-you note in this way shows active listening and genuine interest in the conversation you had.

In Closing

Each interview offers both an opportunity and a lesson. Whether you land the job or not, refine your strategies continuously, and don’t forget to incorporate these learnings into your next application. Securing a job interview is a milestone, but acing it lands you the job. Implement these strategies: research the company, understand job requirements, practice common questions, showcase achievements, dress professionally, arrive on time, ask thoughtful questions, and send a thank-you note.

Treat each interview as a learning opportunity. Note areas for improvement. Practice and persistence will make you more comfortable and polished.

Try these strategies on the job board during your next search. There are plenty of opportunities to apply these strategies ahead.

About the Author is Western Canada’s largest job board, with a majority of the jobs coming from Vancouver. For nearly 20 years, BC Jobs has connected job candidates with companies looking to add talent to their teams. Here at BCJobs, we understand that looking for a job is difficult and sometimes our motivation is low. When you need some inspiration, tune into our podcast to hear from Marketing Leaders about how they approach work and how they grew in their careers. The podcast is perfect for those in marketing or marketing-related fields.

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